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This text is a collection of reflections by Āyatullāh Bahjat on Imām al-Mahdī’s (aj) Reappearance. The central theme compares this awaited event to springtime—a season symbolizing renewal, growth, and the revival of humanity's spiritual, intellectual, and natural life.
This book illustrates how Imām al-Mahdī's (aj) emergence will fulfill God's promise to humanity. It will usher in an era of justice, knowledge, and harmony, rejuvenating mankind's hearts and souls. Āyatullāh Bahjat's words guide readers toward preparation for this moment, emphasizing cultivating piety, seeking divine proximity, and aligning oneself with God's ultimate purpose. In anticipation of this grand reawakening, the book also explores the interconnectedness of humanity and the cosmos, offering a vision of spiritual clarity and inspiration to all those longing for the Imām's Reappearance.
~216 pages
Color pages
5.5x8.5 in
al-Burāq Publications Completed Publications
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